Norelco One Blade Replacement Heads: Got This Instead of Replacing The Entire One Blade Device: They are the exactly the original as the original Oneblade Guards That Come With The Razor.You Didn't have to buy a whole new razor just to get some plastic parts.Compatible models: THSES Guide Comb Exact Fit to the one Blade.They compatible with Norelco Oneblade QP2510, QP2521, QP2522, QP2523, QP2530, QP2531, QP2620, QP6505, QP6510, QP6620.Accessory Set for Oneblade: Replacement Oneblade Guides Are Very Light Weight and Snap Securely Onto the Blade for a Reliable Fit While You're Trimming.You will get 12 size of guide comb 1 Click-on Skin Guard for Sensitive Area, Your Nether Regional Possibly or Under Your Arms 1 Body Comb the Larger One Is this is going to be used for body, for chest, 1 Cleaning Brush and 1 Protective Cap.and 1 Washable Storage Bag.Replacement Guards for Norelco One Blade: This One Blade Guard is a great tool for men who to remain groomed.12 Langths of (0.5mm 1mm 1.5mm 2.5mm 3mm 3.5mm 4.5mm 5mm 7mm 9mm) Stubble Combs Helps You Trim Up Your Facial Hair in Different Needs.Norelco One blade Replacement Heads: Got this instead of replacing the entire One Blade device: They are the exact same quality as the original oneblade guards that come with the razor. You didn't have to buy a whole new razor just to get some plastic parts. Compatible Models: Thses guide comb exact fit to the one blade. They are compatible with Norelco OneBlade QP2510, QP2520, QP2521, QP2522, QP2523, QP2530, QP2531, QP2620, QP2630, QP6505, QP6510, QP6520, QP6620. Accessory Set for OneBlade: Replacement OneBlade guides are very light weight and snap securely onto the blade for a reliable fit while you're trimming. You will get 12 sizes of guide comb 1 click-on skin guard for sensitive area, your nether regions possibly or under your arms 1 body comb the larger one this is going to be used for body, for chest, 1 cleaning brush and 1 protective cap.And 1 washable storage bag. Replacement Guards for norelco one blade: This one blade guard is a great tool for men who like to remain groomed. 12 lengths of (0.5mm 1mm 1.5mm 2mm 2.5mm 3mm 3.5mm 4mm 4.5mm 5mm 7mm 9mm) stubble combs helps you trim up your facial hair in different needs.Guide Combs Fits for OneBlade 17 Pcs Hair Guards 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 7 9 MM for Norelco Oneblade Shaver QP2520 QP2530 QP2630 QP2620 QP2521 QP2522 QP6510…