✓BRACTEANTHA Bracteata Flower it has scattered wind Heat, Liver Eyesight Effect, there is a unique beauty miraculous, long-term consumption of female facial Beauty Have a Good Effect.✓BRACTEANTHA Bracteata Flower it has scattered wind Heat, Liver Eyesight Effect, there is a unique beauty miraculous, long-term consumption of female facial Beauty Have a Good Effect.✓BRACTEANTHA Bracteata Flower it has scattered wind Heat, Liver Eyesight Effect, there is a unique beauty miraculous, long-term consumption of female facial Beauty Have a Good Effect.✓BRACTEANTHA Bracteata Tea Flower Words Tea Language The Golden Sun Description: Cool, Bitter, Known as Yang Chrysanthemum Colorful Daisy, Chrysanthemum Color, Produced in the Mountains Into Tibet, Brown .✓SPECIFICATIONS: 30G.Storage: Sealed, Cool, Dry, Store in a Dark Venulated Place.Shelf Life: 24 Months After Opening the Need To Drink is Completed as Son as possible.✓WeRing method: 1: Bring a few fresh, tea bags of water on a boil.Place a tazo tea bag for hot tea in your cup, cup or pumpkin. 3: Pour 8 flors water over the tea bag.4: steep black teas and herbal infusions 5 minutes Green teas for 10 minutes When iced tea is your wish, steeply normal and then pour over ice.✓BRATTATHATHASTATA flower It has wind heating, liver vision effect, there is a unique beauty miracle, the long-term consumption of female face beauty has a good effect.✓BRATTATHATHASTATA flower It has wind heating, liver vision effect, there is a unique beauty miracle, the long-term consumption of female face beauty has a good effect.✓Bracteentha bractata tea flower words tea language The golden sun description: cool, bitter, also known as Yang Chrysantheme colorful daisy, chrysantheme color, in the mountains in Tibet, brown .✓Gengen: 30g.Storage: sealed, cool, dry, store in a dark ventilated place.Life: 24 months after opening the need to drink the need, can be completed as soon as possible.✓Bracteantha bracteata flower It has scattered wind heat, Liver eyesight effect, there is a unique beauty miraculous, long-term consumption of female facial beauty have a good effect. ✓Bracteantha bracteata flower It has scattered wind heat, Liver eyesight effect, there is a unique beauty miraculous, long-term consumption of female facial beauty have a good effect. ✓Bracteantha bracteata flower It has scattered wind heat, Liver eyesight effect, there is a unique beauty miraculous, long-term consumption of female facial beauty have a good effect. ✓Bracteantha bracteata Tea flower words tea language the golden sun Description: cool, bitter, also known as Yang chrysanthemum colorful daisy, chrysanthemum color, produced in the mountains into Tibet, brown . ✓Specifications: 30G. Storage:sealed, cool, dry, store in a dark ventilated place.Shelf life:24 months after opening the need to drink is completed as soon as possible. ✓Bewing-Methode: 1: Bringen Sie ein paar frische, Teebeutel Wasser auf ein Kochen. Platzieren Sie für heißen Tee einen Tazo-Teebeutel in Ihre Tasse, Becher oder Kürbis.3: Gießen Sie 8 Flors Wasser über den Teebeutel.4 : Steile schwarze Tees und Kräuterinfusionen 5 Minuten grüne Tees für 10 Minuten Wenn Eistee Ihr Wunsch ist, steil normal und dann über Eis gießen. ✓BractEtaTha Bractata Blume Es hat Windheizung, Leber-Sehkraft-Effekt, es gibt ein einzigartiges Schönheitswunder, der langfristige Konsum der weiblichen Gesichtsschönheit hat einen guten Effekt. ✓BractEtaTha Bractata Blume Es hat Windheizung, Leber-Sehkraft-Effekt, es gibt ein einzigartiges Schönheitswunder, der langfristige Konsum der weiblichen Gesichtsschönheit hat einen guten Effekt. ✓BractEentha Bractata Tee-Blumen-Wörtern Teesprache Die Goldene Sun Beschreibung: Cool, Bitter, auch bekannt als Yang Chrysantheme Bunte Gänseblümchen, Chrysantheme-Farbe, in den Bergen in Tibet, Braun . ✓Pezifikationen: 30g. Lagerung: versiegelt, kühl, trocken, lagern in einem dunklen belüfteten Ort. Das Leben: 24 Monate nach dem Öffnen der Notwendigkeit, das Bedürfnis zu trinken, ist so schnell wie möglich fertiggestellt.Plant Gift Bracteantha bracteata flower 七彩菊 bracteantha bractata blume, bunte chrysantheme tee leber sehnung hautpflege schönheit anti ermüdung verlieren Gewicht 30g 1.05z Abnehmen 30G-Bracteantha Bracteata Flower