The G3 Premium Gum Care brush is perfect for anyone who wants to reduce the amount of dirt and the fabric on which they want to clean. Hij bidt tot 7 x gezonder tandvlees in just 2 weeks. Sent for the following Philips brush handpieces: 2 Series Plaque Defense, 2 Series Plaque Defense, 3 Series Gum Health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence , FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare , for children, HealthyWhite, PowerUp, ProtectiveClean. Verwijdert tot 10 x meer tandplak vs. a hand tanden bristle. BrushSync pairing is only compatible with BrushSync compatible toothbrush handset from Philips Sonicare in Gum Care mode vs. handheld toothbrushes made by GBI The G3 Premium Gum Care brush head is perfect for anyone who wants to reduce plaque and clean teeth and gums. It provides up to 7x healthier gums in just 2 weeks. Suitable for the following Philips toothbrush handles: 2 Series Plaque Defense, 2 Series Plaque Defense, 3 Series Gum Health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence , FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare , For Kids, HealthyWhite, HealthyWhite , PowerUp, ProtectiveClean. n n Removes up to 10x more plaque vs. a manual toothbrush n n. BrushSync pairing is only compatible with Philips Sonicare BrushSync-enabled toothbrush handpieces n n n in Gum Care mode vs. manual toothbrush measured by GBI G3 Premium Gum Care for basic purposes, plak azaltmak ve dis ve dis etlerini temizlemek isteyen herkes için mükemmeldir. Sadece 2 haftada 7 kata kadar daha saglikli dis eti sunar. Asagidaki Philips dis firçasi el aletleri çin uygundur: 2 serisi Plaque Defense, 2 serisi Plaque Defense, 3 serisi Gum Health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence , FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare , For Kids, HealthyWhite, HealthyWhite , PowerUp, ProtectiveClean. 10 kata kadar daha fazla plak kaldirir. bir el dis firçasi içerir. BrushSync comes with BrushSync from Philips Sonicare, which is used by Gum Care modunda vs. El dis firçasi GBI tarafindan ölçülmüstür G3 Premium Gum Care hlava cardtáce je perfectlyne vhodná per vÅ¡echny, kterà chtejà redukovat plak a cistit zuby a dásne. NabÃzà až 7 x zdravejÅ¡Ã dásne za pouhé 2 tydny. Vhodné per následujÃcà cardácky Philips 2 Series Plaque Defense, 2 Series Plaque Defense, 3 Series Gum Health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence , FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare , For Kids, HealthyWhite, HealthyWhite , PowerUp, ProtectiveClean . Odstranuje až 10 x vice plaku vs. rucnà zubnà cardácek. The BrushSync is compatible with the card in the card and BrushSync or Philips Sonicare in the Gum Care vs. Rucni card more GBI Glowica szczoteczki G3 Premium Gum Care is ideal in the winter, this is the best way to play and use it. Zapewnia do 7 x zdrowsze dziasla w ciagu zaledwie 2 tygodni. This is the best option for Philips: 2 Series Plaque Defense, 2 Series Plaque Defense, 3 Series Gum Health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence , FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare , For Kids, HealthyWhite, HealthyWhite , PowerUp, Protectivep. Czysty. Usuwa do 10 razy wiecej plytki nazebnej vs. reczna szczoteczka do zebów. Szczoteczka BrushSync is compatible with other models that are compatible with BrushSync from Philips Sonicare w trybie Gum Care vs. Reczna szczoteczka do zebów mierzona przez GBI The G3 Premium Gum Care Brush Head is perfect for anyone who wants to reduce plaque and clean teeth and gums. It provides up to 7x healthier gums in just 2 weeks. Suitable for the following Philips toothbrush handpieces: 2 Series Plaque Defense, 2 Series Plaque Defense, 3 Series Gum Health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence , FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare , For Kids, HealthyWhite, HealthyWhite , PowerUp, ProtectiveClean. Removes up to 10x more plaque vs. a manual toothbrush. BrushSync pairing is only compatible with BrushSync enabled toothbrush handpieces from Philips Sonicare in Gum Care mode vs. Hand toothbrush, measured by GBIThe set contains 1 x pack of 8 Philips G3 Premium Gum brush heads for the electric toothbrush in white. Personalized cleaning : BrushSync technology selects the optimal brushing mode and intensity for exceptional gum care tailored to your brushing style. Easy to use: Your G3 Premium Gum Care brush head fits perfectly on any Philips Sonicare toothbrush handle (except Philips One and Essence). To use simply attach and remove. Cleaning performance: No more plaque thanks to the densely arranged, high-quality Philips bristles, which remove up to 10 times more plaque than a manual toothbrush. Gum Care: Healthy teeth need healthy gums. Do something good for your gums with our G3 Premium Gum Care brush head. Soft sides adapt to the contours of your gums.De G3 Premium Gum Care borstelkop is perfect geschikt voor iedereen die tandplak wil verminderen en tanden en tandvlees wil reinigen. Hij biedt tot 7 x gezonder tandvlees in slechts 2 weken . Geschikt voor de volgende Philips tandenborstelhandstukken: 2 Series Plaque Defense, 2 Series Plaque Defense, 3 Series Gum Health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence , FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare , voor kinderen, HealthyWhite, PowerUp, ProtectiveClean. Verwijdert tot 10 x meer tandplak vs. een handtandenborstel. BrushSync koppeling is alleen compatibel met BrushSync-compatibele tandenborstelhandstukken van Philips Sonicare in de Gum Care-modus vs. Handtandenborstel gemeten door GBI Der G3 Premium Gum Care-Bürstenkopf ist perfekt für alle geeignet, die Plaque reduzieren und Zähne und Zahnfleisch reinigen möchten. Er bietet bis zu 7 x gesünderes Zahnfleisch in nur 2 Wochen. Geeignet für die folgenden Philips Zahnbürstenhandstücke: 2 Series Plaque Defense, 2 Series Plaque Defense, 3 Series Gum Health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence , FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare , For Kids, HealthyWhite, HealthyWhite , PowerUp, ProtectiveClean. n n Entfernt bis zu 10 x mehr Plaque vs. einer Handzahnbürste n n. BrushSync Kopplung ist nur mit BrushSync-fähigen Zahnbürstenhandstücken von Philips Sonicare kompatibel n n n im Gum Care-Modus vs. Handzahnbürste gemessen von GBI G3 Premium Gum Care firça basligi, plak azaltmak ve dis ve dis etlerini temizlemek isteyen herkes için mükemmeldir. Sadece 2 haftada 7 kata kadar daha saglikli dis eti sunar. Asagidaki Philips dis firçasi el aletleri için uygundur: 2 serisi Plaque Defense, 2 serisi Plaque Defense, 3 serisi Gum Health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence , FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare , For Kids, HealthyWhite, HealthyWhite , PowerUp, ProtectiveClean. 10 kata kadar daha fazla plak kaldirir. bir el dis firçasi içerir. BrushSync baglantisi sadece BrushSync özellikli Philips Sonicare dis firçasi el aletleriyle uyumludur Gum Care modunda vs. El dis firçasi GBI tarafindan ölçülmüstür G3 Premium Gum Care hlava kartáce je perfektne vhodná pro vÅ¡echny, kterà chtejà redukovat plak a cistit zuby a dásne. NabÃzà až 7 x zdravejÅ¡Ã dásne za pouhé 2 týdny. Vhodné pro následujÃcà kartácky Philips 2 Series Plaque Defense, 2 Series Plaque Defense, 3 Series Gum Health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence , FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare , For Kids, HealthyWhite, HealthyWhite , PowerUp, ProtectiveClean. Odstranuje až 10 x vÃce plaku vs. rucnà zubnà kartácek. Spojka BrushSync je kompatibilnà pouze s kartáckem na zubnà kartácky podporujÃcÃmi BrushSync od Philips Sonicare v režimu Gum Care vs. Rucnà zubnà kartácek mereno GBI Glowica szczoteczki G3 Premium Gum Care jest idealna dla wszystkich, którzy chca zmniejszyc plytke nazebna i oczyscic zeby i dziasla. Zapewnia do 7 x zdrowsze dziasla w ciagu zaledwie 2 tygodni. Nadaje sie do nastepujacych koncówek szczoteczek do zebów Philips: 2 Series Plaque Defense, 2 Series Plaque Defense, 3 Series Gum Health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence , FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare , For Kids, HealthyWhite, HealthyWhite , PowerUp, Protectivep. Czysty. Usuwa do 10 razy wiecej plytki nazebnej vs. reczna szczoteczka do zebów. Szczoteczka BrushSync jest kompatybilna tylko z koncówkami szczoteczki do zebów kompatybilnymi z BrushSync firmy Philips Sonicare w trybie Gum Care vs. Reczna szczoteczka do zebów mierzona przez GBI The G3 Premium Gum Care Brush Head is perfect for anyone who wants to reduce plaque and clean teeth and gums. It provides up to 7x healthier gums in just 2 weeks. Suitable for the following Philips toothbrush handpieces: 2 Series Plaque Defense, 2 Series Plaque Defense, 3 Series Gum Health, DiamondClean, DiamondClean Smart, EasyClean, Essence , FlexCare, FlexCare Platinum, FlexCare Platinum Connected, FlexCare , For Kids, HealthyWhite, HealthyWhite , PowerUp, ProtectiveClean. Removes up to 10x more plaque vs. a manual toothbrush. BrushSync pairing is only compatible with BrushSync enabled toothbrush handpieces from Philips Sonicare in Gum Care mode vs. Hand toothbrush, measured by GBIDas Set enthält 1 x Packung mit 8 Philips G3 Premium Gum-Bürstenköpfe für die elektrische Zahnbürste in Weiß. Personalisierte Reinigung: Die BrushSync Technologie wählt den optimalen Putzmodus und die optimale Intensität für eine außergewöhnliche Zahnfleischpflege, die auf Ihren Putzstil zugeschnitten ist. Benutzerfreundlich: Ihr G3 Premium Gum Care-Bürstenkopf passt perfekt auf jedes Philips Sonicare Zahnbürstenhandstück (außer Philips One und Essence). Zum Verwenden einfach aufstecken und abnehmen. Reinigungsleistung: Schluss mit Plaque dank der dicht angeordneten, hochwertigen Philips Borsten, die bis zu 10 Mal mehr Plaque als eine Handzahnbürste entfernen. Gum Care: Gesunde Zähne brauchen gesundes Zahnfleisch. Tun Sie Ihrem Zahnfleisch etwas Gutes mit unserem G3 Premium Gum Care-Bürstenkopf. Weiche Seiten passen sich den Konturen Ihres Zahnfleisches an.Philips Sonicare Original G3 Premium Gum Care Standard Schallzahnbürstenköpfe - 8er-Pack in Weiß (Modell HX9058 17) 8 Stück